
3rd Devotional/Commentary

Is the Latin term “Ex Nihilo” a part of your everyday thinking?

Many people have heard the Latin term “Ex Nihilo”, but they have never given much thought about what it means in general or to them personally. The Latin “Ex” means “FROM” and the Latin “Nihilo” means “NOTHING”. So it literally means “OUT OF NOTHING”. In biblical terms or Christian terms it is applied to the…

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2nd Devotional/Commentary

One of the unique and special ways God speaks to us directly and personally …that many Christians are not conscious of!

In Romans 10:17, it declares that faith comes by or comes through hearing and hearing by or through the word of God. It is interesting and significant that God uses two different Greek words to be translated “word” depending on the place it is used each time in the Bible. The best known Greek word…

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1st Devotional/Commentary

The fascinating conversation in Greek between Jesus and Peter after the resurrection.

In John 21:15-17, where Jesus was visiting with His apostles after His resurrection, He has a special conversation with Peter. Remember…Peter had failed to identify with Christ and actually denied Him 3 times before the crucifixion, after promising to never forsake or deny Jesus. So, the Lord felt the need to address this situation in…

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