37th Devotional/Commentary
What does the death and resurrection of Lazarus in John 11 have to do with you?
By Gene Gobble |
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are three siblings in the New Testament record, who became very prominent people in biblical history and in the record of how God’s providence deals with individual people in very unique ways. Their relationship and experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ has left a powerful and enduring testimony of how God…
36th Devotional/Commentary
What Really Proves You Love The Lord?
By Gene Gobble |
When we think about our relationship with our God, there are so many things that might come to mind, when considering the genuineness of our love for the Lord. The Lord Jesus was very clear when asked what the most important commandment was, if one commandment had value over the other commandments. Mark 12:28-34: One…
35th Devotional/Commentary
Our Own Safety Deposit Box In The New Jerusalem
By Gene Gobble |
The Hand of Jesus placing one of our “Eternal Investments” in our own personal safety deposit box in the New Jerusalem…where moths and rust cannot destroy and where thieves cannot break in and steal. Dear Friends, This piece just sprang up as kind of an addendum to the end times series we just finished on…
34th Devotional/Commentary
~Part B~ Welcome To Eternity!
By Gene Gobble |
Welcome to this last piece in our prophetic relay race to the end of time. In our last piece, examining Revelation 21, we saw the New Jerusalem descending down from Heaven to rest on the New Earth. Today we will examine what Revelation 22:1-5 unveils to us about completing this transition into eternity. We…
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